Имперский АтриумQuestions and suggestions, useful information, notifications of changes on the forum. |
2 083 Themes 32 756 Answers |
Стримы ИмпериалаStreams of Imperial forum members actively engaged in video blogging. |
37 Themes 11 156 Answers |
Серия Total WarNews from Creative Assembly, information about new games in the Total War series. |
690 Themes 72 072 Answers |
Total War: PharaohA new game from the Creative Assembly studio takes us back to the times of Ancient Egypt. |
63 Themes 14 966 Answers |
Total War: WarhammerA unique combination of spectacular battles and exciting turn-based campaigns. |
356 Themes 70 928 Answers |
Моды Total War: WarhammerModifications (mods) to the game Total War: Warhammer, discussion, questions and answers on them. |
378 Themes 13 515 Answers |
Total War: AttilaTotal War: Attila - a time of apocalyptic upheavals at the dawn of the Middle Ages! |
261 Themes 42 397 Answers |
Моды Total War: AttilaModifications (mods) to the game Total War: Attila, discussion, questions and answers on them. |
324 Themes 54 375 Answers |
Total War: Rome IIAntiquity is back on the rails of Total War. Phalanxes, chariots, hoplites, elephants and of course sea battles. |
400 Themes 67 221 Answers |
Моды Total War: Rome IIModifications (mods) to the game Total War: Rome II, discussion, questions and answers on them. |
720 Themes 101 290 Answers |
Napoleon: Total WarThe game focuses on the personality of the great commander of the early XIX century and the wars in Europe. |
230 Themes 29 088 Answers |
Empire: Total WarColonization and colonial wars, industrial breakthroughs and the struggle for trade routes! |
437 Themes 75 269 Answers |
Medieval 2: Total WarA game in which the player will lead one of the states of medieval Europe. |
192 Themes 14 051 Answers |
Моды Medieval 2 Total War: KingdomsModifications (mods) to the game Medieval 2: Total War, discussion, questions and answers on them. |
1 616 Themes 267 185 Answers |
Total War: Rome RemasteredRemaster (reissue) of the cult game Rome Total War by Creative Assambley. |
125 Themes 8 092 Answers |
Rome: Total WarA game that tells about the wars and battles of the heyday of the Roman state. |
234 Themes 24 737 Answers |
Моды Rome: Total WarModifications (mods) to the game Rome: Total War, discussion, questions and answers on them. |
814 Themes 136 886 Answers |
Стратегии Paradox InteractiveThe strategies of Paradox Interactive are a high degree of realism and correspondences to the real story. |
1 371 Themes 34 878 Answers |
Стратегии Реального ВремениGames in which there is no sequence of moves and players perform their actions simultaneously. |
775 Themes 16 943 Answers |
Пошаговые СтратегииPlayers take turns making moves, as opposed to real-time strategies. |
1 002 Themes 14 786 Answers |
Мир ВаргеймовWargames simulate military conflicts in the form of a game, both real and fictional. |
476 Themes 25 332 Answers |
ОбщеигровойGeneral discussion of games and the gaming industry: latest news, game videos, articles, reviews. |
2 113 Themes 68 728 Answers |
Игры СимуляторыEconomic, urban planning, sports, racing, marine, farming, aviation and other types. |
995 Themes 8 755 Answers |
Role Playing GameRPG (Role Playing Game) is a game world that is created according to its own laws of physics.
838 Themes 18 392 Answers |
Mount & Blade 2: BannerlordA new part of Mount & Blade, which offers the player a struggle for power in a brutal medieval world. |
805 Themes 12 395 Answers |
Фантастические МирыWarhammer, The Witcher, Westeros, Dragon Age, Warcraft and many other fantastic worlds.
4 155 Themes 60 128 Answers |
Мир The Elder ScrollsThe fantasy universe grew out of a series of computer role-playing games from Bethesda. |
1 886 Themes 36 795 Answers |
Сетевые БаталииBattles in a global multiplayer game (hot-sit) based on the games of the Total War series. |
243 Themes 157 017 Answers |
Исторический АртReconstructions, illustrations and fine art on historical subjects. |
387 Themes 26 137 Answers |
Общеисторический ФорумGeneral questions of history, personality, historiography, communication on near-historical topics. |
914 Themes 85 986 Answers |
История Двадцатого ВекаLiving history. Wars, culture, outstanding people and literature about the period. |
646 Themes 67 041 Answers |
Форум Нового ВремениThe history of the countries of Europe, Asia and America from 1492 to the twentieth century. |
479 Themes 37 770 Answers |
Форум СредневековьяHistory from the fall of the Roman Empire to the discovery of America. |
655 Themes 37 887 Answers |
Форум Древнего МираFrom the appearance of man to the fall of the Roman Empire. Ancient East, Egypt, Greece. |
527 Themes 37 416 Answers |
Мир СпортаAbout the world of sports and about sports passions, about favorite athletes and their achievements. |
275 Themes 125 535 Answers |
КинематографWe watch movies online, evaluate them in surveys, and discuss films. |
3 149 Themes 39 695 Answers |
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On the forum 2 779 351 messages and 33 194 themes · Registered 192 044 user · Messages per day: 204 · Topics per day: 12 · Last registered Azarimini · Visitor record 5 191