Machiavelli's Armchair General Mods for Empire: Total War
Machiavelli's Armchair General Mods collection for Empire: Total War.
This Mod collection uses WALI "Warscape Added Lua Interface" WALI FOUND HERE which was originally created by .Mitch and TC of the TWCenter Community.
This Mod collection was also inspired by the work of VadAntS of the TWCenter Community.
What this Mod adds to Empire: Total War
This Mod is intended to be a collection of mods to enhance Empire: Total War.
Mods within the collection are:
Machiavelli's Battle Chronicler
Machiavelli's Battle Chronicler
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This Mod adds a battle chronicler to Empire: Total War. This is a mechanism that describes and keeps track of ALL battles fought within Empire: Total War (both Player and AI battles).
- Battle events are presented to the player via messages (AI battles) and a history of all battles (both AI and Player battles) is maintained.
- Every character maintains a history of all the battles it has participated in.
(Can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the character portrait in character details window)
- Every unit maintains a history of all the battles it has participated in.
(Can be viewed by opening unit details window and reading the top portion of the unit description text box)
- A history of all battles (Player and AI) is presented to the player within the Lists menu by double-clicking the "Regions" tab.
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Battle History List
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The Battle History List shows the list of all battles that have taken place. Within the list contains these details for each battle.
Left-click battle to take you to the battle location on the campaign map. Double-click battle to show battle message pop-up.
1. Battle Name
2. Battle Location
3. Battle Participant Factions
4. If Major Battle (crossed swords icon) (major battles are battles with great numbers of soldiers killed, ships lost or a settlement captured)
5. If Siege Battle (breastworks icon)
6. If Naval Battle (anchor icon)
7. Battle Year
8. Battle Turn
9. Total Soldiers/Ships Casualties
(columns are sort-able)
Left-click battle to take you to the battle location on the campaign map. Double-click battle to show battle message pop-up.
1. Battle Name
2. Battle Location
3. Battle Participant Factions
4. If Major Battle (crossed swords icon) (major battles are battles with great numbers of soldiers killed, ships lost or a settlement captured)
5. If Siege Battle (breastworks icon)
6. If Naval Battle (anchor icon)
7. Battle Year
8. Battle Turn
9. Total Soldiers/Ships Casualties
(columns are sort-able)
How to Install?
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Found a Bug?
- Copy all files from Github repository (unzip files) into your Empire Total War directory and overwrite. (the empire_start_wali_mach.bat file should be in the same directory as your Empire.exe file, ie: C:\Program Files (x86)\Empire Total War)
- Add mod packs to your "C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts\user.empire_script.txt" file. ie:mod mach_battle_chronicler.pack; (each mod pack name should be on its own line)
- Run with empire_start_wali_mach.bat file. (this will start WALI and Empire Total War; and monitor if Empire.exe is running and kill WALI when Empire.exe closes)
Found a Bug?
- Please describe the bug.
- Please list any mods you are using.
- Please post the Mach Mod log file (the mach_lua.log file found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Empire Total War\data\WALI\Logs\mach_lua.log")
- Please post the Mach Mod save game file. (will be the same name as your saved game, found in "C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\save_games\mach_mod")
Download Pre-Alpha Release Here (v0.0.3):
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